Held weekly at 9:45 for children in the youth rooms.
Contact: Isidro Bruno, Youth Minister
Legend has it that Sunday School is what started the whole concept of Hilltop Chapel in the first place.
A group of Christian ladies (primarily the wives of timbermen, mill workers and Caltrans employees) decided to have Sunday School in their homes. From these humble beginnings came home Bible studies, prayer meetings, and finally Sunday morning gatherings. Without the understanding that the local children needed a good grounding in God's Word, Hilltop Chapel may have never become a reality.
Today, as then, Sunday School for our youth is still a vital part of the ministry. Dedicated teachers arrive each Sunday morning ready to teach the truth that will set the hearts and lives of our youngsters free. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 19:14. We want the children to find Jesus at an early age and Sunday School teaches them about Him and also the importance of being in church and among God's people.
Children's Sunday School is held at 9:45 each Sunday morning in the youth rooms or in the Social Hall.
For more information, please see Isidro Bruno, Youth Minister